
Everyone is welcome! Come as you are!

On the southwest side, a fully accessible entry with a ramp and lift is located. Handicap-accessible restrooms are available on the main level. Hearing devices can be used from the sound booth, and large-print hymnals are also available.

Worship Service

10:30-11:45 am In the Sanctuary

Worship service consists of prayers, scripture reading, offering, children’s time, sermon, and sharing time. Children of all ages are welcome in worship and invited to the front for a short children’s focus.

Service typically lasts for 1 hr. 15 min. Following the service, there is a fellowship meal.

First Hour

9:30-10:20 am

First hour is a time for discussion and study, and everyone is welcome. The following adult groups are meeting in Spring 2024:

  • Bible Study
  • Wired Word
  • Meal Preparation

Fellowship Meal

Every Sunday at 12 p.m., we gather for fellowship and food. The meal is especially intended for visitors, but you are welcome to join us without bringing anything but an appetite.

Map and Directions

Bicycle Directions from Goshen
Take the Winona Trail that begins at Goshen College and ends at Bethany Christian Schools.
Cross the Bethany parking lot to State Road 15 and turn left, riding on the wide berm.
Take the second left, County Road 42, which is just before the river.
On County Road 42 follow the curves and take the second right, County Road 27.
County Road 27 begins going south but then turns several times until it becomes County Road 44 going east.
The church is two blocks after you cross US 33, on the left.
A bike rack is located at the southeast corner of the building. You will usually see several bikes there.
For those who desire, a shower is available. For the sake of those who need an accessible restroom, we ask that it not be used after 9:15 am.